How to Avoid 11 Vital Legal Mistakes...BEFORE Listing Your Home For Sale
There are numerous important legal issues that you may be unaware of when listing your home for sale. The last thing you want to do is sell your home, only to discover less than a year later than you're being sued by the buyers for common law fraud, misrepresentation, or other grounds related to the transaction.
Residential real estate is a complicated process, and there are a myriad of legal documents involved as well as numerous laws, and when such a major investment is transferred from one party to another, there are critical details that must be addressed. If these are not executed properly and with due caution, they can turn into MAJOR problems. The LAST thing you need to be confronted with are legal ramifications after the sale of your home.
To get a FREE copy of a report prepared specifically to assist you in understanding how you can avoid the 11 costly legal mistakes, simply fill in the information to the right of this form.